Even More Dripping Waterfalls

It's been a while since I've posted anything here. Not much has happened or changed since the last post. The walls are still exposed beams and the upstairs floor still doubles as the ceiling for the downstairs bathroom. Pipes and beams have become the new decor trend in my house. No, no changes until this week. My husband calls me to tell me he will be late coming home from work because he needs to get some parts for the toilet. He says that while he was using the toilet in the downstairs he felt water drip on his back. He looks up (big mistake--I don't recommend it) and sees that the beam surrounding the pipe for the upstairs toilet is wet and dripping. At this point, I thought he was imaging things because I had used the downstairs bathroom all day and had no such thing happen. I went in there and looked and saw nothing. But okay.

So today, Upon waking I stumble into the bathroom for the morning toilet ritual. Except this morning there was an added experience. Water dripping on my head. I learned from my previous encounter regarding dripping water landing on my head and did not look up. No water in this eye this time! At this point, as I am sitting there all vulnerable like, I realize one of my fears has manifested: water from the upstairs toilet is dripping on me as I utilize the one directly below it. An added bonus: The Man is in San Diego until the end of the week.

My mother suggests I turn the water off to the upstairs potty and just use the one downstairs. Yeah, I've never done anything like that and have no clue on what to do. Google Time! My mom sends me a message detailing how to shut the water off to the toilet. I go upstairs and look at the knobby thing. There's no "on" or "off" on the thing. It's symbols. Symbols?? Really?? I don't speak symbol. It was at that moment my husband called. He was calling to let me know he was getting on the plane. My response: "Okay. Uh, which direction do I turn the knobby thing to turn off the water to the toilet?" He laughs and tells me to turn the knob clockwise. I turn the knobby thing in the direction of time and it's done. Nothing exploded. Sigh of relief. So now, we are down to one toilet until the end of the week. This should get interesting.

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